Thursday, March 31, 2011

8 Reasons Why Bud Selig Should Be Fired Today

I wrote a couple blogs for Bleacher Report in 2008. Just thought I would put them on here.
Here is the last one I wrote:

*2011 Update: Bud is at it again this year. Not only is Opening Day on a Thursday, It is mostly in Northeast cities. Come on Bud, do you homework. If you are going to push Opening Day up at least put the games in warm markets or domes. There is a good chance that Opening Day is going to be rained out. So I guess this post should now be called "9 Reasons Why Bud Selig Should Be Fired Today".

Bud Selig and George W. Bush have something in common. Both are totally inept at their jobs. Selig phoned in another one last night as Game 5 of the World Series was suspended. 5 innings have been played and there are still 4 more to be played at some point (hopefully) in the near future. The question every baseball fan wants to know is… ‘Why was the game started in the first place?’ It’s 2008, we have Doplar 7000’s. We know when it’s going to rain and for how long. Why even chance that this would happen? Well “Bad Decision” Bud Strikes again. What makes this writer mad the most is that Selig never takes on any blame or ever considers he made a bad decision. Sounds like another leader we all know…(cough…Bush…cough). I have decided to list the blunders Selig has made as either acting commissioner or official commissioner.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My 103 Things

I am an avid blog reader. Sometimes I even write them. I used to send some stuff over to Bleacher Report but I guess they are trying to be "legitimate" and are making people apply to write for them. So I set up this. We'll see how it goes.
So over at Desipio, Andy did a countdown of 103 things he was thinking as the season approached so I felt inclined to do one of my own.